Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tae Bo (low-impact, please!)

WOW!!! Every muscle in my body is sore!!! The low-impact Tae Bo class was SUPER hard, but amazing!!! I loved it! I'm going to try adding the Mon/Wed class to my exercise routine. I think I'm really going to LOVE exercise when I can move as freely as I would like. Today is stretch (yoga) class. It is my favorite part of the week. The stretching feels so good, and at the end, John (Tae Bo instructor/husband of the aforementioned guru) gives us foot massages and Krista (guru [photo on the right]) gives us head rubs. Amazing!!! ahhhhhhhh...................

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I forgot to add my one-month photo. I'm going to try to post last month's and this month's as well...

A New Day

I had a better afternoon after talking to my health guru...she said I was doing fine and that maybe changing up my workout routine would help. Soooooo...I'm going to try the low impact Tae Bo class this evening. We'll see how it goes. I'm a little anxious about it, but I really like the instructor (who is the spouse of the guru, by the way.) He reminds me of Bob (from The Biggest Loser) because he is very encouraging and makes you want to work for him. I'm a John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus author) rather than a Dr. Phil (tell it like it is with no filter or compassion) kinda girl! I do better when encouraged rather than chastised. I'll let ya know how tonight goes! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It will have been one month, tomorrow, since I began this journey and while I am proud of myself for staying strong and not "falling off the wagon," I am HIGHLY frustrated with the amount of weight I've lost. I got on the scale this morning and it showed only a 10 pound loss. I was really hoping for 2o, but would have settled for 15. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I'm drinking tons of water, no sugar, incorporating fiber, exercising...what else can I do??? I've been eating about 1500 calories (give or take....I have a hard time getting them all in!) I have been under 60 grams of fat a day. I guess what I'm saying is that I need help!!! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! :( Grrr.....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

7 lbs!!!

It's been a crazy-busy week, but I wanted to let those few of you following to know that I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks!!! I'm pretty excited! I feel like I'm off to a good start, but understand it's not always going to be this good. My goal is 20 pounds for the month, but I'll be totally okay with 15. Okay...going to bed now...I've just returned from the weekly trek to Wal-Mart and I'm bushed!